In a huge metropolis like New York, many people experience dental emergencies. These can be as simple as tripping and falling in Times Square, causing part of a tooth to fall out, or waking up with a jaw that aches and wiggles. When these incidents occur, patients usually seek urgent care from the emergency room. However, not everyone knows that there are special er dentists near me who provide these services.
24-Hour Dentists
If you or your family member suffers from a dental emergency in the middle of the night, it’s important to know where to go. A 24-hour dentist is a professional who offers after-hours care for patients with urgent dental issues. These professionals can handle a wide range of services including dental extractions and crown repair.
Emergency dental services are necessary for anyone who experiences severe tooth pain, a cracked or broken jaw, or a knocked out tooth. In some cases, these problems can lead to life-threatening conditions. While many people may feel tempted to visit an ER, Group Health Dental recommends that you contact your local 24-hour dental clinic instead.
There are several types of 24-hour dentists, and some work at specific dental offices while others are on-call. The difference between the two is that an emergency dentist works normal business hours while a 24-hour dentist is available for emergencies at all times of the day or night.
Saturday Dentists
Saturday dentists are available for those who need emergency dental care on the weekend. This could be due to an after-hours emergency or a busy schedule that keeps you from scheduling an appointment during the week. Some people don’t have insurance or are unable to afford the cost of regular dental care. The good news is that there are many qualified dentists who offer appointments on the weekends for people with or without insurance.
While most regular clinics only work Monday through Friday, many dentists have chosen to open up their services on the weekends to accommodate a growing demand. These clinics are primarily dedicated to emergencies, but some may also offer services such as teeth whitening, veneers, and other cosmetic procedures. In most cases, a Saturday dentist near you will be able to provide care at the same cost as a regular dental office – and many will even accept your insurance if you have it.
Emergency Dentists
Emergency dentists can help with a wide range of dental problems. They provide pain relief and determine the type of treatment required to repair the problem. They may refer patients to a specialist for a more extensive procedure. For example, a crack in the tooth may require cosmetic bonding or root canal therapy.
Dental emergencies are often serious and can’t wait until the normal business hours of a general practice. Emergency dentists specialize in treating urgent dental problems. They typically work evenings, weekends and holidays.
Dental emergencies can include blunt trauma to the teeth, loose or knocked out teeth and bleeding from the gums that won’t stop. You should also seek care if you have a severe toothache or an abscessed tooth, which can cause fever and swelling of the face and neck. These problems are not life threatening, but they do need immediate attention. In most cases, you should visit an emergency dentist instead of a hospital emergency room.